Lesson 351 ~ Guidance Scribed by Sun~Rose

Guidance from Elder Brother
as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*



TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: The Course text is in bold face. The Guidance is in normal type In His Guidance, He has asked Me to capitalize the pronouns You and We as an acknowledgement of the Divinity of All of Us, an acknowledgement of Equality, an expression of His Love and respect for You. When You see the word ‘YOU’ capitalized in the Guidance, know that He is not just speaking to YOU, He is honoring YOU.

Workbook PART II

L e s s o n  351

My sinless brother is my guide to peace.  

There You go again dear Elder Brother, giving Me all the responsibility for what I see!

My sinful brother is my guide to pain. 

Again! It’s My responsibility! Which Brother will I choose to see?  That’s always the question that I must ask Myself.

And which I choose to see I will behold. 

Who stands there choosing: am I the Son of God or the ego?  On this answer alone depends My choice; for what I am, so must be My Brother.

1 Who is my brother but Your holy Son? Oh yes!  The “sinner” is My Brother too, this One I have judged. And if I see him sinful, I proclaim myself a sinner, not a Son of God, alone and friendless in a fearful world. In judging Him, have I judged Myself the same, for We are One.  Yet this perception is a choice I make and can relinquish. What a dilemma! I can also see my brother sinless as Your holy Son. I will either choose to be right or I’ll choose to be happy! And with this choice I see my sinlessness, my everlasting Comforter and Friend beside me, and my way secure and clear.  I know there’s one choice: Love or misery! Choose, then, for me, my Father, through Your Voice. For He alone gives judgment in Your Name.

My Brother surely must be “very good”.1

In judging Him, have I judged Myself the same, for We are One.


1 Genesis 1:31 and
“This is My belovèd Son in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Matthew 17:5.

Workbook PART II

What Am I?

1 I am God’s Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love.  Just as the Rays do shine the Light of the Sun, so God shows as each and every Son, each and every One. In me is His creation sanctified and guaranteed eternal life. In me is love perfected, fear impossible, and joy established without opposite. These His promises eternal for each and every Brother, each and every One of His Ideas, of which I am One. I am the holy home of God Himself.  No part of Me is separate from God. Just as each Ray is the pure Light of the Sun, so each One of Us is purely God, purely of the Substance of the Father. I am the Heaven where His Love resides. I am His holy sinlessness itself, for in my purity abides His own.  Whatever God is, each One of Us must be as well for We’re His representative for each Other.  I express His Love for You, to You; You do the same for Me. Love is Be-ing Love. We’re constantly giving and receiving. This exchange is the true breath of Life, the atmosphere of Love where We All exist now and forever.

2 Our use for words is almost over now. Yet in the final days of this one year we gave to God together, you and I, we found a single purpose that we shared. And thus you joined with me. For surely Love always has Its object. So what I am are you as well.  Thus what We are – each One of Us – is simply Love loving Love; as the Sun is Be-ing Light lighting Light. The truth of what we are is not for words to speak of nor describe.  (words insufficient) Yet we can realize our function here, and words can speak of this and teach it, too, if we exemplify the words in us. As We are, so We do know what We are.  Know-ing, Be-ing, Do-ing, all must occur.

3 We are the bringers of salvation. Salvation Be-ing Life and Truth and Love. We accept our part as saviors of the world, which through our joint forgiveness is redeemed. Let Us look here at the beauty of Be-ing Love for Your Others. Love is something every One does understand and long for. Would You not give It?  For only Love can meet Your Brother’s deepest needs and fill them. As You allow Love to flow as You – and do not block It – You, too, are transformed!  Just look in the mirror! And this, our gift, is therefore given us. Giving Love does automatically return it to You, for You can only give Love when You are It! We look on everyone as brothers and perceive all things as kindly and as good. (As We’re kind and good.) We do not seek a function that is past the gates of Heaven. Remember We have said God will take the last step Home for You. Knowledge will return when we have done our part. We are concerned only with giving welcome to the truth.  Simple Be-ing Love is quite sufficient.

4 Ours are the eyes through which Christ’s vision sees a world redeemed from every thought of sin.  For Who is Christ but All of Us as One. Ours are the ears that hear the Voice of God proclaim the world as sinless. Ours the minds which join together as we bless the world.  As Isaiah in the Bible says: “Here I am. Send me.”1 And from the oneness that we have attained we call to all our brothers, – longing for kinship, as the rest of Us – asking them to share our peace and consummate our joy.

For the concept of “alone” cannot not possibly exist as God’s Reality, which knows just All One.

5 We are the holy messengers of God who speak for Him, – the best job there is! – and carrying His Word to everyone whom He has sent to us, – so that We may gladly give them gifts of His words that heal and tell of God’s everlasting Love for them – we learn that it is written on our hearts and bring Us great joy. And thus our minds are changed about the aim for which we came – self-indulgent dreams – and which we seek to serve. Now We long to give instead of getting. We bring glad tidings to the Son of God, who thought he suffered. And through Our willingness to Love Him, He realizes that He was mistaken. Now is he redeemed. He is remembering to be happy! And as he sees the gate of Heaven stand open before him, he will enter in and disappear into the Heart of God. Yet He is not gone, but has come back into His own right mind. And now He is beginning to remember how very joyous Life as the Son of God really is.

(Sing hallelujah! a.k.a. Praise God!)


1 (Isaiah 6:8) Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

[Thank you Dear Brother]

*Sun~Rose is the scribe of the recently published book,“YOU ARE LOVED AND SAFE: PREP NOTES FOR EXPERIENCING GOD’S LOVE“, Jesus’ Guidance on the Miracle Principles


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